Join Our Online Services
Join us for Shakharit, Morning prayer and Torah service, on Saturdays at 11 am CT. We say the traditional Jewish prayers, read the Torah portion of the week (or the holy day) as all Jews do around the world, and listen to a few drashes (insights based on Torah).
Connect on Zoom at:
Dial in number for Zoom:
+1 346 248 7799 (Houston)
Meeting ID: 403 198 778
Our Shabbat Siddur is at:
Full siddur is at:
BA Songbook:
Purchase a printed siddur:
Join our email list for info on our latest events, and lessons on Torah, the Jewish Yeshua, Conversion to Judaism & Biblical Hebrew.
Benei Avraham, Dallas Messianic Jewish Congregation | All Rights.Reserved.